@ The Deke House


An e-newsletter for alumni, parents and friends of the 

Deke chapters at DePauw University, Indiana University, 

and the University of Illinois.



Vol. II / June, 2005


The photos above are clickable links


Delta Kappa Epsilon


are the cultivation of general literature and social culture, the advancement and encouragement of intellectual excellence, the promotion of honorable friendship and useful citizenship, the development of a spirit of tolerance and respect for the rights and views of others, the maintenance of gentlemanly dignity, self-respect, and morality in all circumstances, and the union of stout hearts and kindred interests to secure to merit its due reward.





The Best of  

Deke In The News 


Craig McCaw, Sigma Rho 72, backs new wireless Internet venture



Greg Miarecki, Delta Delta 94, 

receives University of Chicagos Alumni Service Medal



Alex Gruenberg, Theta Rho 06,

runs for UCLA

Undergraduate Students Association Council President



Russ Ferguson, Epsilon Rho 06, 

runs for president of 

Duke University Student Government



Today, its not just Dick Clark and the Dekes ringing the bells at Syracuse University



Deke is woven deeply into the fabric of the fraternity culture at Yale 




...for continual coverage 

of Deke news from around 

the U.S. and Canada, 

click here





Readers Respond

John Brengle, Psi Phi ’76 wrote, "On a cold February Monday morning, my day was brightened when I opened the first issue of @The Deke House, and discovered an article written about my great-grandfather, Samuel Logan Brengle (Psi Phi 1883).  Samuel was born in tiny Fredericksburg, Indiana in 1860; his father, William Nelson Brengle, walked home wounded and ill from the battle of Vicksburg... read more from John


Hello fellow Dekes!  It’s Ken Knodle.  I found this newsletter on the web, and I’d like to add my email address to the list of those receiving it. To my brethren in class of  ’95, hiya guys.  It is approaching our 10-year reunion and this is just to touch base.   I would be eager to hear from any of my Deke brothers.  In the 10 years, I have been in the USAF, serving in Italy, Saudi Arabia, and Japan.  I intend to make it a career, so 10 more years.  I am pursing a masters degree in management.  On the family front, Kenna and I got married about eight years ago; we are happily married, with one pug and two cats.   Eager to catch up with any fellow Dekes, especially Brother Shively--my pledge son.  

In the Bonds, Ken Knodle





Bob Muller ’55 was the point man for Psi Phi’s participation in DePauw’s 50th Reunion activities, June 8 - 12. Visit GoDeke.org's special 50th reunion webpage and help add captions to the images.


Class of 80: Let us build a 25th Reunion page for you.  The more photos and history we add to the site, the stronger our legacy becomes.  Let us hear from you.  





Get Up and GoDeke.org


Would you like a GoDeke.org email address that will forward to your current email account?  It’s free!  Click here, and tell us what you would like in the blank... ______@godeke.org






Delta Psi Dekes...

There are 73 of you now.

Your chapter roll is here.

Keep the Lion roaring!





Delta Psi Deke Parents...

The letter you received from Deke Realty Association Chair David McArthur carried a link to information of particular interest to parents.  For your reference, that link is here.





Miss the first edition of

@The Deke House?

Its here.




Links to

Deke International

DePauw University

Indiana University

University of Illinois



@ The Deke House is an electronic publication by Deke actives and alumni from DePauw, Indiana, and Illinois.  It is one part of a two-way conversation.  

Have a story idea?  A question?  Want to read something?  Join the conversation, and communicate with the editors here


Contributing Editors

Jason Apple ’08

Kevin Cane ’05

Brendan McPherson ’05

Nick Plebanski ’07

Steve Schultz ’08

Scott Shtofman ’06

Deke Realty Association Board

Ruby Cup Foundation Board




Community Service and Alumni Relations.  Delta Psi lived the Deke ideals April 23.  Its 100-Hour Day involved the chapter, alumni from two chapters, parents, and friends in a 100 man hour community service project that benefited a local alternative school and a Monroe County park.  The chapter’s alumni, philanthropy, and community service chairs Nick Plebanski 07, Steve Schultz 08, and Jason Apple 08, organized the event, which was one of several philanthropy projects undertaken by the chapter this year.  One of several things that made this effort special was that all parents, all Psi Phi Dekes, and all Dekes in Indiana--and there are Dekes in the Hoosier state from 42 different chapters--were invited to Bloomington for the project.  Next year, a 200-Hour Day? See the photo album here




www.GoDeke.org is the electronic home of the three-chapter consortium, involving alumni from the Psi Phi chapter at DePauw and the Delta Pi chapter at Illinois, and the parents, alumni, and actives keeping the Deke lion roaring at Indiana University.  Participate.  Have photos of your days in the Deke House?  Scan and email them here, or loan them to us for scanning and posting to the site.  They will be returned in perfect condition.  GoDeke.org is all about the history of Deke on our campuses, as well as the promise for Dekes future there.  Ask yourself, how can I help?  Send in your answer, and read the next story for a great example. 




The integration of Deke at Indiana, Illinois and DePauw took another step this spring when John Geary agreed to chair the Deke Parents Association.  A 1982 Delta Pi Deke, John and his college sweetheart, Sandy, who will celebrate their 23rd wedding anniversary next month, are the parents of Jackie, 17, and Mike, 18.  Mike pledged Deke at I.U. last fall and will return this fall as rush chairman.  Read more here.

The Association was founded by Bill Henry, whose son, Bill Jr., graduated in May.  When Deke parents were asked to involve themselves in the growth of the young chapter, Bill offered to form a parents association.  Under his leadership, the association hosted a two-day Dads Weekend in 2004.  It also organized a sports ticket raffle generating more than $2,000 and underwriting the cost of washers and dryers in the new Delta Psi Deke House.  Bill's wife, Jan, chairs the Education Department at Vincennes University, and he gives her credit for the ideas and their successful implementation.  Bill, who owns Vincennes Insurance, Inc., one of the largest employee benefit agencies in southwestern Indiana, blazed and leaves a well-worn trail for John to follow.  Many thanks to the Henry’s for their leadership.




Former Deke chapter president Brendan McPherson was one of five undergraduate men in the U.S. and Canada to receive the North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) Undergraduate Achievement Award, the pinnacle award for undergraduate fraternity men in North America.  Brendan is the first Deke ever to receive the award, and his fellow honorees include a Rhodes Scholar, a young man who rode his bike from San Francisco to Washington as a fund raiser, a tri-athlete, and a chapter president responsible for single-handedly saving his chapter from closing.  Read more.




In April, to honor Brendan McPherson’s receipt of the NIC Undergraduate Achievement Award, alumni and I.U. professors joined the chapter’s first Academic Achievement Banquet. 


Also named the first Jackson Scholar that evening, Brendan received a $2,000 scholarship from the Ruby Cup Foundation.  The scholarship is made possible through a $125,000 gift to the Foundation from Pete Jackson, Psi Phi ’44 and his wife, Betty.  


Chapter President Kevin Cane ’05 received the first Sayers Prize, in honor of Gordon 

Sayers ’33.  After graduating in May, Kevin and Brendan were invited to leadership roles in the three-chapter consortium.  Kevin on the board of the Deke Realty Association, and Brendan on the board of the Ruby Cup Foundation.


The Ruby Cup Foundation awarded four additional $250 scholarships during the Banquet: Kevin for highest cumulative GPA, Brendan for highest semester GPA; Peter Nestingen ’07 was awarded a scholarship for most improved GPA (top photo), and Lain Herringman ’08 (bottom photo) was awarded a scholarship for highest pledge GPA.




Karl Hagedorn ’06 was elected president of Delta Psi of Delta Kappa Epsilon in May.  Admitted directly to I.U.’s Honors College and the Kelley School of Business as a freshman, Karl will be a senior this fall.  Pursuing a double major in business finance and operations management within the Kelley School, he recently returned from a semester studying international business in London at City University’s Cass Business School. Read more.




March 26, 2005, saw the first-ever Delta Kappa Epsilon cycling team qualify for I.U.’s famed “Little 500” bicycle race.  The field for the 55th “Little 500” was set with DKE, with four rookie riders, officially on the scoreboard in the 28th qualifying position.  Having only trained for six weeks prior to the race, qualifying for the competition was an outstanding accomplishment.  Perhaps more impressive was the teams finish.  Read more.  




After initiating a fall pledge class of 14 in January, Delta Psi pledged a spring class of seven men who were initiated April 28.  




The Fourth Annual Susan B. Easlick/Mike Michaels Memorial Golf Tournament will take place at Stone Bridge Country Club in Ann

Winners of the 2004,

3rd Annual Golf Tournament:

David Melius ZZ ’74, Brian

Melius ZZ ’78, Rene Baumer ZZ ’98, and John Stembler B ’65.

 Arbor, Michigan Saturday, August 13, 2005.  Two Omicron Dekes, Jim Roland and Doug Mervis, operate the club; and a great turnout is expected this year.


It will be a shotgun start with lunch at the Club and a cookout at the Shant, the new DKE headquarters in Ann Arbor.  Deke International Executive Director David Easlick says, I hope you will join me in supporting this fine event.


There is talk of getting a Psi Phi block of rooms in Ann Arbor and making a reunion weekend of this Deke event...play some golf...or just drive a cart, see the Shant, enjoy some Deke camaraderie, and have a meal or two in one of Americas greatest college towns. If you’re interested, no commitment is necessary, but let us know here. With enough interest, we’ll mount an organized invitation effort. 







The brotherhood lost two incomparable Psi Phi Dekes in recent months, both chapter presidents during their time as actives.


Dr. Bill Hart ’63, who followed his brother Allan ’62 to the Deke House, joined Deke’s Mystic Circle December 5, 2004. 


Charlie Roberts ’48, one of Psi Phis longest and most ardent supporters, and the son, brother, father, and uncle of Dekes, joined the Mystic Circle May 8, 2005. One of Psi Phi’s infamous ARDNC group of brothers who have gathered annually since their active chapter days to play the “Annual Rusty Deke National Closed” golf tournament at locales around the world, Charlie led the fundraising drive that built “the addition” onto the Anderson Street Deke house.  


Virginia Sayers, widow of Gordon Sayers ’33, died April 8, 2005, in their home in Greencastle.  She would have turned 90 years old just five days later.  



Delta Pi of ΔKE ~ Illinois    ~    Delta Psi of ΔKE ~ Indiana   ~    Psi Phi of ΔKE ~ DePauw


Post Office Box 813     Greencastle,  Indiana  46135