Roland Boatner Howell


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Roland Boatner Howell, Thibodaux, LA; 

father, lawyer and sugar planter; pledge 

to Tau Lambda before entering L.S.U.; 

varsity eleven, 1909-’10-’11; varsity nine, 1909-’10-’11; 

captain basketball team, 1910; basketball team, 1909-’10-’11; 

president Hill Debating Society, business manager of college 

annual (Gumbo), 1911-’12; member of German Club; 

Bachelor of Arts diploma, 1912; member of Francois Martin Law Club; 

assistant baseball coach, 1913-’14; cheer leader, 1913-’14 and 1914-’15; 

president of Athletic Association, 1913-’14; Senior Law Class.



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