EDWARD VanSCHOONHOVEN KINSLEY July 11, 1825 ~ April 1, 1888
From the 25th Anniversary publication of the Yale College Class of 1846 ~ Published 1871 ~
Duncan Kinsley and Eliza (Van Schoonhoven) Kinsley, was born at West Point, N.Y., July 11, 1825. He fitted for college with Hon. A.N. Skinner, at New Haven, and his own father at West Point. He entered with the class as a freshman.
After receiving his diploma, he studied law, and was admitted to the bar at the November General Term of the Supreme Court at New York, Nov., 1848. After the death of his father, whom he had aided in teaching, he succeeded him as principal of the Classical and Mathematical School at West Point in 1849. Some years later, he made a visit of nearly a year to Europe, and had a narrow escape from drowning by falling overboard as he was returning. The death of his father and four sisters was sudden. Two of his sisters were lost in the burning of the Henry Clay on the Hudson River, 1851.
For several years, he suffered much from ill health. In the autumn of 1867, he sailed for Europe, and, visiting London, Paris and Madrid, was so much pleased with his reception at the United States Legation in the latter city, that he prolonged his stay until March 7, 1868, when, by the aid of the chaplain of the British Embassy, he was united in marriage to Lizzie L., daughter of Hon. John P. Hale, American Minister at Madrid. After nine months of journeying through Spain, Switzerland, Belgium and France, they returned to Madrid, where he became private secretary to the U.S. Minister, and afterwards for several months Acting Secretary of Legation.
Later, in 1869, he spent several months in Paris, where a son, John Parker Hale Kinsley, was born, October 2, baptized by Rev. Dr. Robinson, of the American Chapel, and not long after buried in the cemetery of Antenie. The next winter he visited Italy, and returning through Germany reached home at West Point in June, 1870.
He attends church at the Chapel of the Military Academy. P.O. address, West Point, N.Y.
From the 1910 DKE Catalogue B.A., M.A., Yale College Founder, DKE Jr. Ex. Speaker Phi Beta Kappa Commencement Speaker New York Bar, 1848 Prin., Class., Math and Military School, West Point, New York, 1849 - 55 Married Elizabeth Little Hale (Mass.) March 7, 1868 at U.S. Legation, Madrid, Spain Acting Secretary, U.S. Legation, Madrid, Spain, 1869 Lawyer, Highland Falls, New York Deceased: Highland Falls, New York, April 1, 1888
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